Life is Filled with risk. Fortunately, a Quality Health Insurance Plan can help you lower the financial risks that often follow a Serious Injury or Illness.
You know what many of these risks are. I bet you have friends, family members or co-workers that have dealt with one or more of the following:
You probably know someone who has experienced the devastating financial hardships that followed a Serious Illness or Injury.
You know that drug costs keep going higher and higher. You probably know someone who spends thousands per year on prescriptions, or other medical aids. Statistically most of us will eventually need some form of long term medication.
You know that dental costs keep going higher and higher. While fillings and root canals are expensive, serious dental procedures can cost thousands.
You know that if you lose you job, you lose you insurance. You may get a new job, but there may be no insurance plan, even worse if you have a condition, you might not be insurable at all.
You know the risks, you also know how to deal with them. Get your own Blue Cross Health Insurance now.
Why? Because the best time for you to get Health Insurance is now...before you get sick or seriously injured. There will never be a better time than today.
To get started, call Francis Kelly at 709-706-BLUE (2583). If you'd prefer e-mail enter your name and one point of contact in the blue email form on this page. All it takes is a few minutes over the phone, or a few emails and we'll have designed a custom health plan that fits your needs. Then you'll receive your free, no-obligation quote to read at your leisure. The whole process costs you nothing until you actually agree to, and sign your policy.
Please note that if you are uncomfortable with meeting in person, the entire process (right down to your final signatures) can be done virtually, by email or by Fax. Your choice!